Feature addThisPUBID
From MediaWiki Pivot Skin
The AddThis feature was built in to provide Pivot Skin users a simple method of enabling social sharing and following without having to 'hack' code into the skin. The main benefit is the ability to add the necessary JavaScript code to be executed on "content only" pages. This eliminates social sharing on all special pages, editing, history, etc.
addThisPUBID Feature
To use this feature choice, you must extract your Publisher ID from your AddThis Javascript code. After setting up your specific tool on AddThis use the "get code" links to show the following code.
<!-- Go to www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-58d04d3ac8384d2a"></script>
From the example above, you will want to extract the ra-58d04d3ac8384d2a
after the #pubid=
. This is just an example, your pubid will be specific to your project name and your account on AddThis. AddThis tools have specific settings which you must control with your AddThis dashboard. They can include everything from size, rounded corners, location, mobile responsive settings, what share and/or follow links to include, please see each specific tool to tweak those settings. Your feature code will look like this:
'addThisPUBID' => 'ra-58d04d3ac8384d2a'
Remember, this specific setting always be required if you are enabling AddThis on your website.
This is only required if you choose an inline share tool. From the choices available of sharing tools on AddThis, there is an inline share bar. This looks like what is currently on use with this website. Of course you can choose the look, color, icon styles, size, share services, etc on AddThis when setting up the tool. The inline tool requires a bit more code and this feature adds the div
container with the class assigned to it. You will set the class only. The div
container is inserted after the title of the page and is the only location it will insert the container. Here is what the code looks like on AddThis:
<!-- Go to www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools -->
<div class="addthis_inline_share_toolbox"></div>
This is what you would set:
'useAddThisShare' => 'addthis_inline_share_toolbox'
Exactly like useaddThisShare
, this is only required if you choose an inline follow tool. From the choices available of follow tools on AddThis, there is an inline follow bar. Of course you can choose the look, color, icon styles, size, share services, etc on AddThis when setting up the tool. The inline tool requires a bit more code and this feature adds the div
container with the class assigned to it. You will set the class only. The div
container is inserted on the right, bottom of the page before the "Powered by..." or Powered by Icons and is the only location it will insert the container. Here is what the code looks like on AddThis:
<!-- Go to www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools -->
<div class="addthis_inline_follow_toolbox"></div>
This is what you would set:
'useAddThisFollow' => 'addthis_inline_follow_toolbox'
This is only a convenience set of features to add social sharing and following to your website when using Pivot as your MediaWiki skin.
- You will always need to use
to set your publisher ID to make the JavaScript add and execute on your website's content pages. 'useAddThisShare'
is only for the inline share bar.'useAddThisFollow'
is only for the inline follow bar.- You can mix and match, eg. using
for an inline follow bar with a pure JavaScript share tool or vice versa. - Not every tool offered by AddThis will work with these feature. There are other types of tools for mail lists, content promotion and others. This is only basic social sharing and following.